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Celestial (Vivienne Book 7) Page 7

  “You gave up? That’s pretty early to give up on guys.”

  “I gave up on high school guys and focused my energies elsewhere.” Like on Danny.

  He bounces me off his lap and gets up. “Well, we’ve got to fix that.” He digs in his own bag and pulls out a button down shirt and a pair of athletic shorts. It’s a really horrible combination so I blanche when he says, “Put these on.”

  I do and stand before him looking like a blind girl who raided her dad’s closet, but he smiles at the results. “Now get back on the bed and sit facing the TV.” There’s a small TV in the corner near the picture window I hadn’t noticed until now. I lean against the headboard.

  “You have a TV here?” I’m surprised and not in a good way. I didn’t plan on spending my time with Sebastian watching TV.

  “And cable?” He wiggles his eyebrows at that like it’s a big deal. “Skin-a-max.” He flips the channels until he finds a quasi-erotic show on Cinemax After Dark. There’s a fat dude with a harsh Brooklyn accent trying to talk a girl into showing her tits. I laugh and take a drink.

  “So this was high school, watching dirty TV with a date?” I’m getting into the mood of our drama and it’s funny.

  “Yeah, but you have to be quiet,” he whispers as he encourages me to drink more by pushing the cup up to my mouth. “My folks are sleeping and they’ll make you leave if they catch us.”

  I giggle and he shushes me. He slides his arm between me and the headboard and scoots closer. I watch him out of the corner of my eye. He turns his attention back to the show. The next segment is about a young couple who want to make a porn video. The camera on their phone is shaky and it’s impossible to hear what they are saying, but the illicitness of it is kind of hot. I get engrossed.

  Sebastian leans into my neck and whispers. “You like that? Hmmm?” He breathes heavy in my ear. “Does that turn you on?” I only nod and keep watching. I’m really into our play acting now because it is turning me on. We feel illicit too.

  He puts one hand on his crotch and I notice that he’s turned on. He nudges my ear and asks, “Would you want to do that?”

  I open my mouth in horror just like I would have at sixteen but I don’t reply. Because I would have been thinking how hot the idea is and how much I like this guy.

  He uses his arm behind me to pull me in for a kiss and it’s wonderful. It feels like a first kiss, tentative but laced with desire. I kiss him back but pull away after a few minutes.

  “What?” he questions as he caresses my cheek to keep me turned toward him.

  I point to the picture window. “Your parents!”

  “It’s ok, we’ll be quiet.” And I believe him because I’m young and in love and I want to. I lean in to kiss him again and we make out.

  We kiss and kiss and kiss like it’s the first time and we can’t get enough. He scoots me down onto the bed, inch by imperceptible inch, until I’m lying next to him. He checks in with me, wordlessly asking me with his eyes if he can go on. I pull him to me. I want more.

  When he reaches between us to caress my breast over my shirt he seems as genuinely turned on as me. I brazenly push myself into his hand. He stops but only long enough to pull his tee shirt quickly over his head and toss it aside. As we kiss more I touch his chest and caress his muscles there. I image he would have been muscular in high school, probably a jock. I almost giggle thinking about the fact that I’m making out with the football stud. Thank god he didn’t really know me in high school.

  He leans up to slowly unbutton my shirt, one button at a time, questioning me if he should go on after each one. I smile my approval and don’t hide my growing excitement of feeling his hands on me through my bra.

  ✈ ✈ ✈

  We grope and roll around and I genuinely moan with pleasure. My shirt is open and my bra open and pushed up but both are still on me. All of his movements are hesitant. Instead of grabbing my breast and going straight for my nipple he slowly works his way there, kissing me the entire time. It’s like we are waiting to get caught and keeping ourselves ready to sit up and act normal at any second.

  He moves my hand to his crotch where he is rock hard beneath his jeans. Touching him feels deliciously wrong but there’s no way I can resist, now or at sixteen. I caress him and he breathes faster. His hand moves to my crotch where he rubs me over the shorts. We’re getting there, almost there. I reach for the button on his jeans but he stops me.

  “We can’t.” He’s panting and so am I. “Not here.”

  But, but, but…no. I want to! I’m on fire here.

  Sebastian pulls away and lays down next to me as we both catch our breath.

  “How do you feel?” He asks as he takes my hand.

  Shitty! I don’t have to say anything. My look says it all. He reaches up and closes my eyelids with his fingers. “Now tell me how you feel. Is there any part of you that isn’t turned on.”

  I scan my body and, nope. Every nerve is lit up like a Christmas tree all the way down to my toes. It is one hell of a sensation. So alive. I smile at the awareness.

  “Now.” He leans up and kisses me on my cheek as he helps me adjust my bra and shirt. “We sleep and tomorrow we play some more until you’ve built up so much energy you will climax like you never have before.”

  He spoons me and I feel his erection against my ass. I grind into him, both enjoying the sensation and enjoying torturing him. “Rub all you want, baby, it only makes it better later.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  With my brain and body flooded with hormones I have very sexy dreams. I don’t remember many details when I wake up but the erotic mood lingers. I roll over hoping to find Sebastian feeling the same way. Maybe I can put an end to his plan of denial.

  But he’s already out of the bed, sitting on the front porch drinking a cup of coffee. I study him through the picture window. He looks so relaxed and peaceful—pretty much the opposite of what I’m feeling right now.

  I climb out of the warm covers and rifle through his bag for a warmer shirt or a jacket. (Hey, if he can go through my stuff…) I find a sweatshirt with Tulane University written on the front and put it on. I wonder if he went to Tulane or if he’s a fan of one of their teams. He’s not exactly been a closed book but the question reminds me we still have a lot of things to learn about each other.

  I bring a mug of coffee to join him. I have no shoes and I’m still wearing his shorts so my feet and legs are freezing in the cold morning air. I walk on tip toes toward the chair next to him but he grabs me as I walk by and pulls me onto his lap.

  “Good morning beautiful.” His voice is still raspy and it’s oh so sexy.

  I still haven’t found my voice so I smile at him in return. As he situates me on his lap I balance my coffee. He uses the end of his flannel shirt to cover my legs and I burrow my icy-cold toes against his warm leg. It feels wonderful but the remnants of my dream are still with me. I haven’t brushed my teeth and he hasn’t shaved so I nuzzle against his stubble and kiss his neck. He laughs.

  “Still feeling the effect of last night?” I nod and keep kissing, aiming for his earlobe and a little nibbling.

  “Mmmmm.” He hums his approval.

  “I went through your stuff.” I whisper into his neck. I want to push his buttons a little, get a rise out of him.

  “You find anything interesting?” He’s not fazed but I like that he doesn’t seem to have anything to hide from me.

  I back off my seduction for now. I have all day to lure him into having sex with me and right now I want to know more about him. I pull at the sweatshirt to highlight the writing. “Did you go to Tulane?”

  “Yeah.” He wraps his arms around me and settles in to a comfortable position so we can talk. “Didn’t graduate though. I had a soccer scholarship and tore the hell out of my ACL my Junior year. I couldn’t play anymore so when I lost the scholarship money I quit.”

  “What did you major in?”

  “Partying, ditching class, chasing sorori
ty girls…” It’s his way of saying that classwork wasn’t really his thing. It kind of surprises me because he’s a smart man. “What about you? Where did you go?”

  “I didn’t. This is a bit of a sore spot for me. Almost everyone I work with and all my clients went to college. “My dad helped me get a job at JetStream right after high school and I figured I was set for life. My plan was to work there until I retired with benefits galore. I’ve always been a play-it-safe kind of girl.”

  We both process our opposing personalities--the party boy and the serious girl. “So,” I question, “I started wondering last night when we were at your parent’s house, where were we?”

  He laughs at the way I keep up our charade. “Covington, Louisiana. It’s a little town in St. Tammany parish.”

  “And was I making out with the football stud?” I want to know who he was back then.

  This really makes him laugh. “Hmm, well I played football, but I liked soccer more. I definitely wouldn’t say I was a stud. I had a steady girlfriend who I thought for sure I would marry one day. We dated through most of high school.”

  “Aww, that’s so sweet.” And again, my opposite.

  ✈ ✈ ✈

  We talk on the porch until our coffee gets cold then we go in so he can make breakfast. I ask to help but he doesn’t reply. Guess that’s not going to happen. Instead I clean up in the bathroom then lay in bed and watch him work and catcall him.

  “Any chance you could do that with less clothes on?” I’m still feeling the embers of my sexual fire from last night and I want to stoke his. He replies by turning up the heat and taking off his shirt. I applaud. “Keep going.”

  He takes off his jeans and boxers. “Suit yourself but you can only look. No touching.” What? No! He is absolutely yummy naked and I hate the way he always seems to be one step ahead of me. I think I’m getting my way and he turns it so I’m getting less of what I want. Check-mate Sebastian.

  When he puts the food on the table he says, “You’re looking a little overdressed yourself. Come and get it but you have to take your clothes off first.” If only he meant come and get him, not eggs and sausage.

  I shimmy and dance and do my best strip tease ending with me straddling his legs giving him a lap dance. He puts his arms around me and holds me in place. I go in for a kiss and he stops me by popping a piece of sausage into my mouth. I chew but let him know with my eyes that I’ve not given upon seducing him yet.

  He leans around me and takes a piece of sausage for himself and tells me, “We can have sex if you want.” He grinds into me. “But neither one of us is going to come…yet.” He still talks about this denial thing as if it’s a good thing.

  I let him give me a bite of eggs and when I swallow I ask, “So, explain this to me, what’s the difference between what you call denial and lame sex where I’m left with no orgasm?”

  He reaches up and slides his hand into my hair and massages my scalp. “Well, most of it is up here. It’s a mental game of wanting.” He looks at where our laps meet. “I’m guessing you want me right now.” I love the way he says it so seductively.

  I scooch forward and grind myself on him. His cock responds and I smile at my power. “Yeah, kind of.”

  “Did you want other guys who left you without an orgasm?” He doesn’t try to stop me from rubbing against him.

  “No, why would I?” I stop what I’m doing to concentrate on what he’s asking. He surprises me when he continues it, slowly and methodically rotating his hips and pressing into me. I breathe out some of the desire rising in me. I started this now I’m wondering if I will regret it.

  “But with me…the promise of a really great orgasm is there. It’s the carrot dangling right in front of you.” I smile at his metaphor.

  “And I really want this carrot.” I reach down and gently grab hold of him. He smiles and doesn’t stop me and I get an idea.

  I slide down his legs, kissing his chest as I go. He has to know where I’m headed and he lets me. There is no way he can stop himself from coming if I give him a blow job. I’m about to get one up on him and I gloat a little.

  He opens his legs to accommodate me and caresses my head as I work him with my mouth. I put all I’ve got into it, delivering what I hope is a porn-worthy performance. He moans in appreciation and I can feel him getting closer. This is fun in so many ways. I love the power but I also love it that I’m going to end his denial game. (Even if I am kind of enjoying it.) There is a small, niggling thought in the back of my mind that this is just too easy. He wouldn’t let me get away with this.

  He’s really close, hard as a rock and breathing really hard. I’m lost in my concentration to make it happen. Just when I think I’ve got him he says, “Tilford, what’s up?”

  I bang my head on the underside of the table I pull away so quickly. I didn’t hear a door open but then again, I wasn’t exactly paying attention. I swing around to see if there is now another pair of legs in the room and I don’t see any. Sebastian laughs. “Gotcha.”

  He reaches under the table for me and I crawl away from him to the other side and sit on the chair there and pout and try not to smile. I hate losing! But that was damn funny.

  ✈ ✈ ✈

  I don’t touch him during breakfast and I mock glare at him every time he laughs again at me jumping away from him so quickly. He finishes eating before me and cleans up in the bathroom while I stew and enjoy my coffee.

  When he comes out he turns my chair to face him and kneels before me so we are closer to the same height. “I’d like to tell you I’m sorry, but I’m not.” He pulls me in close and pulls my hair back as he leans in to kiss my neck. “You can’t tell me you aren’t having a good time.”

  I soften and admit, “I am.”

  He looks out at the gorgeous spring day and announces, “Good, then put your clothes on, we’re going for a walk.”

  I shake my head in disbelief. This is definitely not the direction I thought we would be going in. “Um, you have my clothes,” I remind him.

  He picks up the basketball shorts and button down shirt I discarded earlier. “You have these.” Then he picks up my bra and panties and heads for the door. “Put those on and I’ll get you a pair of tennis shoes from your bag.” He doesn’t mention that he just took my underwear, but I definitely notice.

  I look beyond silly but I figure no one will see me. The views as we follow a path around the lake are incredible. I get lost in them and our easy conversation. When we reach the far side Sebastian wraps his arms around be from behind and points out his cabin across the way. As he does he unbuttons my shirt. Knowing we are completely alone I let him. He reaches inside and caresses me and I fall back into him. It’s only when I feel him slide the shirt off my shoulders that I resist.

  “Close your eyes if you want to. Feel the freedom.” He encourages me.

  I can’t believe it but I do and it does feel really nice. I almost never go without a bra so that alone is freeing but there’s also the added sensation of the warm sun and cool air on my chest. Seeing me smile he pushes me farther by sliding my shorts down. I hesitate before lifting each leg so he can get them off. At this point I figure what the hell, I’m in this far, might as well go for it.

  He’s right behind me so I can feel him and know he is there as I dive into these sensations with my eyes still closed. There’s so much to process and amazingly none of it is fear. It’s a little titillating thinking that someone could possibly see me but it’s not a big worry. It feels so open and liberating. I’m not hiding anything.

  I reach back and pull Sebastian’s arms around me again and breathe in the smell of him and the floral and pine breeze.

  “You look so beautiful.” I believe him. I feel beautiful. “Will you walk with me for a little while like that?” I nod.

  When I open my eyes things change. There’s no one there but I’m more aware that someone could be at any moment. I consider changing my mind but I push myself not to. Walking also feels di
fferent than it does when I’m dressed. The girls swing and I can feel my pussy graze the inside of my thighs. Near a cove there’s a tree stump that Sebastian sits on. He doesn’t leave room for me. Instead he looks up and me and commands. “Torture me some more.”

  I don’t argue or even debate. Instead I kneel down in front of him, help him get his hard cock out of his jeans and do just that. Have I become some kind of brainless bimbo? Hell, no. I’ve learned that I really like his game and I’ve become a willing player.

  ✈ ✈ ✈

  I get my clothes back right before we get back to the occupied side of the lake. I put them on but only bother with one button on the shirt. I’m coursing with unspent sexual energy and I feel wanton. Let someone possibly catch a glimpse of my breast. I hope it turns them on.

  We eat lunch on the porch and have a very open, blunt discussion about masterbating and porn and what turns us on. I tell him things I’ve never even told Dom. It’s warm enough to swim although the water is crazy cold when I first get in. And no, I don’t wear a swim suit and neither does he. He does make a floating bar out of an old inner tube and some plywood so we can have cocktails and chips while we play in the water.

  One car drives by on the road that runs behind the cabin. Sebastian waves as I duck down in the water then wave too. It’s the first sign of other people since we got here and it’s more exciting than alarming that I could be caught. I’m getting a little more daring every hour. Of course, the Jameson doesn’t hurt either. We tease each other, alternately coming together and building up passion then pulling away to float and talk.

  I lay naked in a hammock with a light blanket over me and watch the sun go low as Sebastian makes dinner. I doze off briefly to more erotic dreams. My brain is awash in hormones. He feeds me steak and salad as I sit on his lap wearing only his unbuttoned shirt. When the air gets too cold we go inside and light the heater.