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Celestial (Vivienne Book 7) Page 5
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I skype Mikel and we make plans. He will pick me up in Savannah and we will fly together to Montreal. He even offers to drop me off in New Orleans when we are finished.
We schedule Mikel’s landing in Savannah for maximum impact. Fridays are always a busy time at JetStream. Clients want to fly their jets home for the weekend. The Ora jet skims into view right at noon when the clients still in town are going to lunch. We can’t actually get too close to JetStream’s ramp but we know everyone can see and hear our plane from their facility.
As soon as the steps drop I rush out to the plane with my suitcase. I’m in my American mode, ready to go and get this over with. When I reach the plane Mikel and the pilots meet me at the bottom of the steps.
“Cara, why are you in such a hurry? We have never been here before. We want to see some of your city. You are taking us to lunch, no?”
I laugh and shake my head. Damned if I’m not in overdrive for no reason. We will easily make it to Montreal in less than two hours and there is no reason to hurry up and get there. The fall weather in Savannah is gorgeous and we are headed to bitter cold. “Of course, lunch. I would love to.”
With my bag stored in the cargo hold, we all pile into my car to go to The Crab Shack and spend an afternoon eating our weight in seafood. I give them a driving tour of Tybee Island then downtown Savannah. We shop for local Savannah honey and grits for Mikel to take back to Annalize. When we finally get back to the plane around five thirty I’m a whole new Vivienne. I’m so happy and relaxed that even Andre won’t be able to rattle my cage.
On the flight Mikel and I talk business as we sip wine. It’s the first time we have been alone together since my trip to Lake Como and I’m reminded of how much I like him and that he is technically available if I’m interested. When I get quiet he questions why. “Cara, are you worried about this sale?”
I shrug. “A little. This has been my most difficult client.”
“Ah, but Mikel is here to rescue you now.” He says this with a wink and I laugh.
I lean in toward him, my wine making bold and direct. “Explain men to me, Mikel.”
“Cara, you ask a lot. That could take me…” He pauses to think. “At least a minute, maybe a half.”
This definitely makes me laugh. “Really? You are that simple?”
“Ok, give it to me, give me all the secrets of your sex in less than one minute.” Because I’m dying to hear this one.
“We like women and we like winning.”
I take much longer than a minute to process this. I run his theory through as many scenarios as I can and it proves true every time. I find one flaw. “Except gay men.”
“Ok, we like sex and we like winning.” He modifies his profound summary.
I apply his revised theory and sure enough, it’s solid. I hate to admit it but I tell him, “I can’t explain women. We are hella more complicated than that.”
He toasts me. “I can’t explain them either and I like it that way. It’s part of what we men live for. You keep us guessing, hoping, trying…alive. When you reach all your goals and have all that you want, what is there?”
“But you have your woman and a successful company. You’ve reached your goals.”
“My company is just getting started and do you really think that I have Annalize? That I can quit trying?”
I picture his stunning wife seducing everyone around her. “No, you’re right. You can’t.”
✈ ✈ ✈
We spend one solid day wooing Andre and his client. Throughout the demo ride and meetings and dinner Mikel subtly lets Andre know that I am his sales rep and he is only here to bring the plane. When Andre asks Mikel a question it’s referred to me every time. Which works because I do have all the answers. The actual client is much more open to me this time. He still has little interest in the technicalities of the plane but he is happy to talk food and wine with me during dinner. It’s going well but we still don’t have a deposit check and I can’t relax until we do. Over dessert I use the closing Mikel used on Evan. I talk to the client about our current manufacturing schedule and when he would like to take delivery. And it works. He tells me he would need his new plane by June of next year and tells Andre to handle all the details.
Mikel squeezes my hand under the table and I relax. I just sold my third plane.
Back at the hotel the pilots can’t drink and have to go to bed early for our flight tomorrow. Mikel and I decide to celebrate on our own. He wants to go dancing but I beg off. Memories of my fumble fest with Sebastian at Mardi Gras are enough to keep me off the dance floor for a while. Instead we find a big comfortable booth in the hotel bar and order champagne. I’m absolutely giddy with excitement and feeling light as a feather having removed Andre’s considerable weight from my shoulders. I do a little dance in my seat and sing. “I just made a sale. I just made a sale. And I don’t have to see Andre again.” To make sure that Mikel doesn’t think I’m dropping the ball I add, “I’ll take care of everything from this point on by email.”
He smiles at my silliness.
I’m not sure if he’s laughing at me or with me so I ask, “What?”
“American women.” He smiles and assesses me again. “You are so open. You wear your hearts on your sleeve. I like it.”
I think about what Annalize would do in my situation and I don’t see her doing a victory dance. Silly is definitely not a word you could use to describe her. Playful, maybe, but never goofy.
Our champagne is poured and we clink glasses. “Thank you for helping me out with this one.” I’m not sure I could have done it without him.
“Thank you,” he counters. “Do you realize how important your sales are to my company?”
I puff up at his compliment and bask in his appreciation. Combined with the wine I drank at dinner I start to feel more than just friendly affection for him again and it has me curious where this could go. I take another drink of champagne for courage and ask for what I want. “Explain something to me. I know you and Annalize date other people.”
He stops me. “We play with other people, not date.”
“So what’s the distinction?”
“We are not looking for other partners or relationships. For that we have only each other,” he clarifies.
“So why do it? Why have other people in bed with you? It sounds like you two are complete without that.” I’m getting deep into their business but I’m genuinely curious and he doesn’t seem to mind my asking.
“When I met Anna she was already a film star and her films are very sexy.”
“I know. I’ve seen some.” I take a drink and fan myself.
This makes him smile. “When my friends and family found out I was dating her they asked me how I can be with her when she had been with all those men in her movies.”
I hadn’t thought of that question, but it’s a good one. Not many men could handle the pressure of dating a woman like her. Mikel seems to take it all in stride.
“I told them that first of all that wasn’t real sex in the films.”
“Wow, killed the magic for them, huh?”
He laughs. I love to make him laugh.
“And Anna and I are very much alike when it comes to our private sex lives. Who she is on screen is one person. Who she is with me is another.”
“But why the sharing or playing?” I still don’t see how they don’t complete each other.
“We enjoy variety. That is how we are alike. What would both feel confined and probably want to have an affair if we didn’t allow each other to experience some variety.”
“So you cheat to not cheat.” It makes sense but it doesn’t.
“We don’t cheat, as you say. We are always honest with each other. We are not looking to fall in love with another, just to have some fun.”
“What if I told you I want to sleep with you tonight?” I’m really bold now with two glasses of champagne combined with the high from my sale.
��Do you?” Not the response I was expecting. I want to know how he would handle it, not be put on the spot.
I give him as honest of an answer as I can. “I do but I won’t.”
“Because I would feel strange about Annalize being my friend and to be honest I have enough men on my plate right now.”
He likes my answer. “You do? How many is that?”
I look up at the ceiling like I’m calculating. “Last count three.”
He toasts me.
“Back to you, would you sleep with me?” I still want to understand how their marriage works.
He leans in and takes my hand and kisses it. “No. I would like it but I won’t either. Anna and I only play when we are together.” He leans back and gets comfortable and asks, “So tell me more about these men. Pete is one of them, no?”
“Yep, Pete and Evan, who I have not slept with, and then there’s this guy in New Orleans who excites me and scares the shit out of me.”
“And this is why we are taking you to New Orleans tomorrow?” He’s loving getting the dirt on my love life.
“Partially, yes. I have to help my step-mom too.” I answer.
“And why does he scare you?” He’s not letting go of that part.
I turn red but answer, “He wants to control me. His kind of play is BDSM.” This really makes him laugh. “What’s so funny?”
“I want to meet this man who thinks he can control you. I can’t wait to tell Anna about him.” He’s still laughing. I should have known he wouldn’t keep this to himself. “Maybe sometime you can bring this man with you to Milan so we can meet him. Then we all can play.” He raises his eyebrows at his invitation.
The image has me choking on my drink. It’s way too much for me to contemplate. I can’t even come up with a reply to that idea.
Chapter Ten
It’s a beautifully warm spring morning when we touch down in New Orleans. Mikel and the pilots are only staying long enough to refuel. They plan to be back in Milan for a late dinner. As my bags are pulled out of the cargo hold Mikel waits with me on the ramp. He takes my hand and pulls me in for a hug.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay and meet your scary man?” He’s teasing me, still threatening to propose a foursome date to Sebastian.
I bump his chin with my head. “No. That is definitely two parts of my world that I do not want to cross. He’s enough trouble already.”
“Ok, just be careful.” He leans back to look and me and stress his next point, “And have fun.”
“I will,” I promise. I lean in for a bit of fun right now, a Mikel kiss. Ever since the first time we parted ways in Milan we’ve shared passionate airport goodbye kisses. He is such a good kisser and I always feel like I’m in one of Annalize’s movies getting to kiss a hottie for the big ending. It makes me smile.
Mikel hugs me again before boarding the plane and I turn to go into the private terminal to claim my rental car. I roll my menagerie of bags through the automatic doors and scan the lobby for a place to park them. At the far end of the room, near the big window looking out over the ramp, I see a very tentative-looking Sebastian.
I wasn’t expecting him. I thought he had another day of line work for Entergy and couldn’t come meet me. He doesn’t rush to meet me. Instead he raises his brows, questioning if he should be here and it dawns on me—the kiss. He just saw me kissing Mikel goodbye.
I mentally sort through how things must look versus how things really are and I immediately drop the spike of guilt I feel. We are not exclusive. We were very clear about that last time I was here. I love it that he came here to surprise me but when you are in a casual relationship catching the other with someone else is a risk you take. If I just showed up at his apartment over Marg’s place I would expect no guarantee that he’d be alone.
I move toward him with a big smile and confidence. “Hey there, I didn’t expect to see you here.”
He glances out at the ramp where Ora’s jet is taxing to a runway. “Clearly.” I don’t read anger but I do read curiosity.
I laugh it off. “Yeah, I’m celebrating a win.” I tip my head towards the plane Mikel is on. “The owner…of Ora.” I give him a cryptic explanation. I like keeping him guessing. It’s a big part of our mysterious relationship. He keeps me guessing all the time.
When he doesn’t come forward to hug me or kiss me I hold up my hands and announce, “I’m here.” And I assure him, “And very happy to see you.”
He still can’t quite make the transition from seeing me kissing someone else to me being with him. He leans on the window sill and says, “Good.” Oh, I’ve really rattled his cage and I have to say I like it. Mr. Large-and-in-charge is a little lost. I fight to suppress a smile. He said he wanted me because I’m a challenge—welcome to the jungle, sweetie. I hope you’re prepared.
✈ ✈ ✈
Carla is our first order of business. After a friendly but tense debate whether I need a rental car for this trip we end up in his SUV. Having my own car would give me so much more control, and he knows it. The blow of me losing the logic argument is softened when I see that he’s cleaned the whole thing out for both me and Carla. Considering he kind of lives out of it, it’s a really sweet gesture.
We stop by Carla’s house first to make sure everything I set up is in place. I had the house professionally cleaned and paid for a meal program from a local church. The fridge and the freezer are stocked. Her friend Kate came over and met the delivery men for the hospital bed and assist recliner I had put in the living room. I also had her and her husband move the TV near the new bed and chair. On the way here I asked Sebastian to stop at a grocery store so I could get some cut flowers. I want to have a few vases around the house to cheer her up.
Sebastian stays out of my way and silently watches me as I make the new bed and set up a bedside table with a lamp, the remote and a few of Carla’s crossword books. He hangs back as I arrange flowers then strategically place them where they can be seen but won’t block the blinds or get so much sun they will wilt quickly. He wants to say something. I can feel him holding back. As I pass by him on the way to the kitchen I stop and plant a quick kiss on his lips (and fight the urge to do more). He’s possibly more handsome than I remember. Then again maybe it’s seeing him thrown off balance that has me turned on. I tell him, “Thank you.”
He gives me a small smile. “You are amazing, you know.”
This surprises me. I thought he was still stewing about me kissing Mikel. I say, “Thank you,” but question why with my eyes.
“Look at this place.” He nudges his chin toward the space I’ve set up in the living room. “How did you do all this when you were working and out of the country.”
Dom did a lot of it. She found the local church with the food program for shut-ins and Seniors. She ordered the bed and chair too. “I have help.” I admit. “I just have to be smart enough to use it.”
He wraps his arms around my waist, pulls me to him and studies me. “You’ve changed.”
I mentally scan myself to try and figure out what he’s talking about. My hair is the same length and color. I don’t remember buying any new makeup and, although I might have put on a few pounds, I seriously doubt he could tell that. “What do you mean? How?”
“You seem a little less…” He chooses his words carefully, “Stressed, worried.”
“I am.” I confirm and I’m amazed he noticed. We were only together for a few days before. How can he know me so well already?
He’s looking deeply into my eyes when he says. “I’m really looking forward to spending more time with you.”
I don’t know if he just means sexually, but daaaamn, the way he says it in his low, deep whisper slides all the way down my body. I’m so turned on I breathe out a little whimper that I can’t suppress. I have thoughts of messing up the fresh sheets on Carla’s hospital bed until I remember. I don’t get to call the shots with him. If I tried to pull him over there he
probably wouldn’t let me.
He cradles my head in his big hands and leans in and kisses me right between my eyebrows. “Now your worry line is back. Is that because of me?”
It is, but should I admit it to him? “I’m here and I’m excited, but I’m scared.” I don’t want to play a mental game with him right now. I want him to know that this still isn’t easy for me.
He pulls me in close and holds my head to his shoulder. “Don’t be scared of me. Don’t ever be scared of me. Win/win, remember?”
✈ ✈ ✈
Carla is raring to get out of the respite care facility. She tells her roommate goodbye and thanks all the staff members as she passes in her mandatory wheelchair. As soon as we reach the car she demands that we let her get up on her own using her cane. She’s slow and it looks painful but Sebastian and I hold back. Once she’s in the front seat she turns to us and says, “See, nothing to it.”
“Easy peasy,” I agree, but make a mental note to have a talk with her about not pushing herself once she gets home. If she falls on her hip we are back to square one. Sebastian starts to hook her seatbelt and she bats his hand away. “I got it.” A month and a half of being doted on has not set well with her.
When we get to her house, she can’t seem to maneuver out of the tall SUV on her own and she has to let Sebastian lift her out as I set up her walker. Her irritation is obvious as she shuffles and scoots her way to her front door. I’m so incredibly relieved that she will have an in-home nurse during the day for a while. It’s clear that she will need help and need someone to keep her in line. She’s one hell of a feisty little thing when she wants to be.