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Departure (Vivienne #3) Page 3
Departure (Vivienne #3) Read online
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In the lobby. Trying to track the limo he’s using.
I throw back the covers and start dressing quickly. I’m processing this and working on solutions as quickly as possible but another thought keeps pushing its way to the forefront—I’m going to be fired. I couldn’t do my job and I’m going to be fired.
As I slide into a pair of flats I text Martin.
I’m on my way down.
Chapter Six
Casino hotel lobbies are eerily quiet at four a.m. There are a few stragglers from the night before but it’s mostly staff busily erasing the effect of hundreds of revelers and gamblers. Martin is easy to spot. He’s pacing in front of the valet stand.
“Any luck?”
He stops pacing and turns to me. “This is fucking ridiculous.” He gestures to the valet on the phone. “He’s calling the guy who got off at three a.m. to see if he remembers Jack leaving. I could check the surveillance tapes but I don’t want to raise any alarm bells.”
He’s right we are in a strange situation. Technically Jack hasn’t done anything wrong. Most twenty-three-year-old billionaires are allowed to go out on the town in Vegas. The bigger problem is that he’s gone without Martin, possibly on purpose, and he’s prone to finding headline-worthy trouble. And we don’t need the world to know we are babysitting him. I’m guessing this is not something Joel would want us to share. I still don’t know if Jack realizes it.
I spy a lounge with a coffee stand on one end of the bar. “I’ll get us some coffee. How do you like yours?”
I can see the relief on his face that he’s not in this alone. “Just black.”
I order a large black coffee for Martin and a latte for me. As the barkeep turns to start my order I hear, “Don’t bother, they are horrible,” in the most melodic, beautiful accent. I turn to the stunning woman sitting a few bar stools down from me.
“Molto costoso.” I’m not sure what language she is speaking but she makes it sound sexy, even with her look of disgust, which she also somehow makes look stunning.
I smile and shake my head because I have no idea what she said.
“Too much.” She rubs her fingers together, the international sign for money.
I nod to agree and shrug. “It’s Vegas.”
The young guy making my drinks keeps stealing glances at her but he’s obviously not angry at her review of his coffee. He’s mesmerized by her. I am too. How can anyone look this good at this hour? Is she about to head out or just coming in for the night?
She catches me staring and raises her martini glass to me and smiles. She is obviously used to this kind of attention.
“Join me.”
I’m caught completely off guard. Her tone is seductive and it’s more of a demand than a question. Is she coming on to me? I fumble with the coffees now in front of me. “I, uh…I’ve got to go help a friend, but…thank you.” I mean I am kind of flattered, if she is flirting with me. She’s way out of my league.
She shrugs me off with the universal your loss gesture and turns back to face the bar.
Martin gulps down the hot coffee, obviously needing the jolt more than he cares about burning himself. “Do you have any idea where he likes to go in Vegas?”
I shake my head as I sip my latte. Hottie at the bar was right. It’s not very good and it was damned expensive. “I guess try the places you went with him the other night.”
“Already called them—no go.”
I blow out an exasperated sigh as Martin and I both look to each other for answers, our eyes reflecting the fear of unemployment back to the other.
“Let me go get my laptop and I’ll see if I can track him through his credit card.”
On my way to my room I realize that using the company-supplied computer to do this might alert Joel. I have no idea how much he keeps tabs on me. I check my watch. It’s now four forty-five in Vegas. That would make it six forty-five at home. Dom is no doubt still asleep and I hate to wake her but I need her.
I still bring my laptop down to the lobby and set it up in the lounge at a table with Martin. I call Dom.
“I am so sorry to wake you but I need a huge favor.”
“What’s up?” She’s groggy but forcing herself awake for me.
“I need to you to track a credit card for me.”
She laughs. “I’m good but I’m not that good. I’m not the FBI, Chicca.”
“It’s Jack’s. I’ve got the log in an account number an all that.”
“So why do you need me?”
“I don’t want to do it on a company computer. Don’t know who is monitoring. We’ve lost Jack.”
She stifles a laugh. “Sorry, but…you lost him?”
“Or he ran away from us. I don’t know. I just need to find out where he is.”
I hear her booting up her computer. “OK, shoot.”
She types in the information and I hear her talking to Luis in a muffled voice, no doubt telling him that it’s another V crisis. I wait chewing on my lower lip.
“Last charge was in Carson City, Nevada at some places called Hof’s”
I relay the information to Martin who shakes his head. “Carson City? That’s six or seven hours away from here.”
Dom adds, “There’s also a huge charge from ExecuJet.”
I let Martin know, “He flew there.”
“Carson City? Why the hell would he fly there?”
“The brothel.” The goddess at the bar must have been listening in on our conversation. We both turn to look at her. “The famous one.” She turns toward us, happy to join in our drama. “On TV.”
I’m hoping it’s just her strong accent and I misunderstood her. “There’s a brothel there that’s on TV?” What the fuck has Jack gotten himself into now?
“Si.” She’s so excited about helping us that she moves off her stool to stand by our table. “De Bunny Raahnch.”
I let my head drop onto my keyboard. Jack has gone to a brothel where he could be seen on TV. Could this get any worse? I almost forgot about Dom being on the phone until she says, “The world-famous Bunny Ranch.” From her tone I can tell she’s reading something. “It’s on a reality show.” She types some more. “Why would Jack go there? Can’t his fine billionaire ass get laid without paying?”
She has a good point but I can’t debate that right now. “Dom, I’ve got to go. Thank you a thousand times over. I swear I’ll update you later.”
“You’d better. This is good.” She hangs up and I turn my focus to Martin.
“We need to get you to Carson City now.” I’m about to call for a JetStream plane when I realize what a bad idea that is. Joel would definitely know what’s up then. I can’t risk chartering a jet on the credit card he gave me. I’m ticking through options in my head when the bartender approaches our table.
“Can I get you another drink?” He’s addressing Ms. Stunning.
She takes a chair next to Martin who glances at her and looks beyond happy to have her near. “Bring me another and what my friends want.” She gestures to me and Martin.
I wave him off and Martin holds up his half empty coffee.
“Refill sir?” Martin nods as the waiter takes his cup to add more hot coffee.
Got to get to Carson City fast…need a plane…one I can put on the credit card…like a… tour plane. Yes! It might look a little odd, but Martin is about to take a long tour of the desert. I start searching for tour planes for hire.
The waiter returns with a cocktail and coffee. “Here you go sir.” He hands Martin a full cup with a lid and a sleeve, two items he left off before. “And for you, Ms. Annalize.” He puts the drink in front of her and she wiggles a little with glee that he used her name.
“Martin, you are going to Carson City.” I check the time on my phone. “And you leave in a half hour. You need to get to the address I am texting you ASAP. Pay for it with the card number I’m sending.”
Martin is up and moving quickly. Without a word to me he
’s on a mission to get a cab, get to Jack and save our jobs. Annalize and I watch him go.
“Your friend is in trouble?”
I assume she means Martin. “No, he’s got a job to do.”
“At the raahnch?” She drags out the last word as she struggles to pronounce it.
I don’t want to share much but I don’t want to be rude. “Uh, yeah…I mean no. He’s going to find a friend of ours.” I almost choke when I call Jack a friend.
She nods her approval. “So you join me now?” She lifts her drink.
I laugh then check the time on my phone, its only five-thirty a.m. “Sure, why the hell not.”
She bounces in her seat with excitement and summons our waiter who comes running.
Chapter Seven
If Annalize is drunk, she hides it well. She polishes off her third drink while I’m still sipping my first. Jameson doesn’t go down easily on an empty stomach at this hour. She waves Duncan, our bartender, over to order another round. Two men at the bar are staring at her and catch her eye. She gives them a seductive smile and they light up like they’ve won the lottery. What they don’t do is come over to our table. It’s like they’re intimidated by her.
“How can you look so damn good at his hour?” I do have enough whiskey in me to be blunt to this stranger.
She pushes a dark curl out of her face. “It is part of the job.”
I’m about to ask what her job is when a man approaches our table. He has the same put-together, hip, Euro look Annalize does.
“There you are. You were bored in the room?” His accent is not as pronounced as hers and I’m starting to guess from their accents and looks that they are Italian.
He leans in and kisses her quickly before she replies. “Too crowded.”
He rubs her shoulder to apologize. “Today is the last day. Tomorrow I’ll play too.”
She waves this off. “I have a friend now.” And she smiles at me. I lift my glass to him demonstrating I’m truly drinking with her at his ungodly hour.
“Good. And what is your friend’s name?”
Annalize gives him a guilty shrug and turns to me.
“Vivienne.” I choke out over the whiskey burning my throat.
“It is nice to meet you Vivienne.” My name sounds so melodic when he says it. He’s not stunning, like Annalize, but he’s a nice looking man with a gorgeous head of dark wavy hair. “I’m Mikel.” He’s reserved for an Italian, only offering his hand to shake mine. Most want to kiss both your cheeks or touch you in some way when they greet you. It occurs to me that Annalize never introduced herself. I only know her name because the waiter uses it.
“Join us and eat.” Annalize turns all her seductive charm on this man. I check out her hand and notice a beautifully understated wedding set. This might be her husband. They start to converse in fast-paced Italian and I turn my attention away from them so I’m not eavesdropping on a conversation I can’t understand.
They finish their conversation when Mikel takes a seat at our table and starts texting. Annalize summons Duncan again. She touches his hand and flashes pleading eyes at him when she asks for menus. Mikel is oblivious to her flirting.
“Vivienne, why is it that you are in Las Vegas?”
“A convention. For aircraft.” His English is good but I still find myself speaking in short phrases like he might not understand anything longer.
He accepts a menu from Duncan. “Ah, yes. We are here for that too.”
“Really?” Why am I surprised? It’s an international industry. “What do you do?”
He answers quickly, “engineer” before ordering a coffee.
Annalize looks up from her drink, surprised by his answer and waves him off. “He is more than an engineer. He owns the company.”
Mikel smirks but doesn’t correct her. “And what do you do?”
“I’m a secretary for JetStream.” He will no doubt have heard of the company but I’m not about to admit any ties to Jack.
“Ah.” He nods approval but really what else can you say at that point? My job is so much more exciting than it sounds.
Three other men approach the table and immediately seat themselves. They look exhausted. Mikel handles the introductions. “Geoff, Victor, Artoon this is Anna’s friend Vivienne. She will be joining us.”
They all nod in my direction but none speak. They are also all Euro looking but not necessarily Italian. Geoff, with his blonde hair and angular jaw, is more German looking. Victor could be Italian, he has the same dark wavy hair and olive skin as Annalize and Mikel. Artoon looks like he’s of Indian decent. They slump over their menus and study them. Annalize seems to have no interest in them. She’s looking all around the lobby. She stops when she catches the eyes of a pair of college-age guys and I’m shocked to see her brazenly seducing them in front of Mikel. Maybe he’s not her husband.
The guys tentatively approach our table. “Are you?” They’re nudging each other like they can’t believe their audacity at approaching her.
She glows with their attention. “Si.”
The bolder one quickly pulls his phone from his pocket. “Could we um…you know…get…”
Annalize pops up out of her chair to pose with them. The guy stretches out his arm to do a selfie with her but she grabs the camera and hands it to Mikel. “Take the picture, Mikel.”
He’s conversing with the other men in what sounds like German and he doesn’t stop as he takes the phone and quickly snaps a few pictures of the elated guys flanking Annalize.
Could he be a relative? My slow, whiskey brain finally notices that the guys clearly knew who Annalize was. She must be famous. When she dismisses them and sits back down I ask. “Did you know them?”
She shakes her head. “No. It happens all the time.”
Mikel stops his German conversation to add. “My wife is a famous actress.” He’s full of pride when he looks over at her. “But perhaps you do not know her films.” He’s excusing me but I feel bad I don’t. I like foreign films but I have to admit she isn’t familiar. I’m going to google her as soon as I can.
Now that the college guys have approached the flood gates are open. Men keep popping in every few minutes to greet Annalize by her first name and some snap a selfie with her.
I’m an extra at the table now and totally unsure what to do with myself either than drink. The men are still debating something in German and Annalize is busy with her adoring public.
I’m about to excuse myself when I hear the name Grundich several times in the men’s conversation. I know Carl Grundich or at least know of him. He’s on the JetStream board. I wonder what business they have with him and possibly with JetStream.
“Carl Grundich?” My question stops them short.
“Si, Carl Grundich. You know him?” Mikel is very interested in my connection.
I hedge a little. “Well, not personally. I know of him. I mean I’ve met him. Do you know him?”
Mikel looks at the other men before speaking. He’s also hedging. “We are meeting with him later today.”
No one thought that Annalize was paying attention until she puts her drink down to add. “He is the money man.”
The looks exchanged in the group say that her cocktails just said too much. Mikel softens her statement. “He is interested in investing in our company.”
I’m not surprised. Carl Grundich is old money and a huge investor in the aviation industry. I smile at them all and offer, “Good luck. He’s a bit of a hard nut to crack but he’s got the money.”
Now I really have their attention. “Hard nut to crack?” Geoff throws my American phrase back at me with a strong German accent.
“Uh, he can be…” I’m struggling for words that will translate without giving away too much on the man. “He likes, um, you know, to get to know you. He invests in people more than ideas.” Oops, more than I meant to say.
“What kind of people.” Mikel is on the edge of his seat. Annalize gets up agai
n to go take pictures and he doesn’t seem to notice.
What the hell. I figure the stuff I’m going to tell them could be found out through research if you really knew where to look. “He likes to be on the cutting edge, be part of what’s new and happening. He likes young people with totally different ideas; mavericks and inventors.”
At this all the men relax back into their chairs and exchange smiles. Mikel wants more.
“So you have worked with him?”
Fuck, am I crossing a line here? I’m not sure. “I have been involved in some of the same projects he’s been in.” Like he’s been on the JetStream board since he was young and the company was just starting, back when it was the fresh, upstart company. He and Joel’s dad, Abner Rockhurst, were friends, probably still are. “What does your company do?”
Artoon brings a pic up on his phone and shows me. “Super-sonic.” It’s a private jet with what looks like square engines embedded in the tail.
Now they have my attention. “Really?”
They all nod and beam with pride.
“Wow!” I’m nodding now too. “This is exactly the kind of stuff Carl Grundich loves. He will love you guys.” I’m so excited for them. I can’t help myself and I start spilling all I know about Carl. “He went to Duke University where he met Abner Rockhurst…” I tell all, about his family, what he’s done in aviation, even his food preferences. I’ve ordered lunch for a board meeting a few times. I know this guy. The men are soaking it up, stocking away each detail for their meeting. As soon as I’m done they revert to talking in rapid German only much more animated now.
Annalize returns to the table and announces that she has to go to the restroom. She grabs my hand as if it’s a given that I therefore must go too. Once I’m standing I realize that I really do need to go. She holds onto my arm as we cross the lobby and gestures with her other hand as she speaks.
“They have seen my movies…those men from,” she pauses to work on pronunciation, “Weez-con-sin.”
“Of course” I still have no idea who she is but it’s easier to go along with her.